Our very own Dr. Barbara Thompson could be the next Ms. Health & Fitness for Muscle & Fitness’ HERS magazine.

Your vote might help her win the competition, and if she does, that means Shields & Stripes wins as well! Dr. Thompson has vowed to donate $15,000 of the $20,000 grand prize to Shields & Stripes, in an effort to pay for an athlete to attend our program.

That means another life could be saved by you simply voting. So follow this link to cast your vote today!

About The Competition

Muscle & Fitness HERS has showcased the extraordinary champions of the world’s largest fitness competition every year since 2017.

Along with the $20,000 prize money, the winner will receive world-wide recognition, a professional photo shoot, and will be featured on the cover of HERS magazine.

About Dr. Thompson

The good doctor is one of those hidden jems to the Shields & Stripes team. A former major in the United States Army, Dr. Thompson continues to serve our veterans as a psychologist contracted out through the Department of Defense. She dontates her time to the Shields & Stripes mission on top of her busy schedule.

“I long to encourage normal women of every age to steward their health in a way that reflects the beautiful creations they are!”

Dr. Barbara Thompson


Dr. Thompson has always led a healthy lifestyle, having a history of general fitness and movement training, participating in Spartan Races, and for the last couple of years, she’s been taking a crack at CrossFit workouts.

Voting began on May 6 and is open for ten days.