Jeff Kennedy
Jeff Kennedy
Jeff Kennedy is a physical therapist for Shields & Stripes.
Jeff Kennedy, PT, DPT, CSCS, is one of the telehealth physical therapists on the Shields & Stripes team. His history with physical therapy and sports medicine began in college where he played soccer at Campbell University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise and Sport Science.
Jeff went on to get his Doctorate in Physical Therapy, also from Campbell University. While in PT school, he worked as a strength and conditioning specialist and developed fitness programs for tactical athletes including law enforcement special operations teams at the local, state, and national level. It was in working with these teams that Jeff realized he wanted to pursue a career in serving tactical athletes.
After graduating, Jeff worked in an outpatient orthopedics clinic specializing in post-surgical rehabilitation where he gained the knowledge needed to treat patients after complex surgical procedures. Now, Jeff works full time as a supervisory physical therapist at the VA hospital in Fayetteville, NC, proudly serving our nation’s veterans.
He joined the Shields & Stripes team in 2022 and strives to help the athletes improve their physical performance and achieve their individual goals. He has continued to hone his skills and advance the profession of physical therapy by pursing advanced credentialing in spinal manipulation, serving as a clinical instructor for current physical therapy students, and lecturing at Campbell University.
When not working, Jeff enjoys spending time with his family. He married his high-school sweetheart, Amanda, and they were recently blessed with their first baby girl, Aubrey Jane. Jeff’s hobbies include backcountry snowboarding, CrossFit, and shooting.